
A baby died just now.
His unloved, unwanted remains
will be discarded like yesterdays trash,
or perhaps, in a noble-sounding venture,
will be used for research.

A baby died just now.
His protector signed the death warrant.
An alien object invaded the security of his dwelling
and brought an end to his brief beginning.
No mothers love cried out to save him.
No fathers strength resisted the killing hand.

A baby died just now.
As street-marchers demand the choice to kill,
angels bear the soul of the little one
straight to Gods strong arms.
The Father dries the little ones tears
and lovingly affirms to him
and the millions like him
that He will avenge them,
that one day the world will acknowledge that

A baby died just now.

by: Diane F. Thompson

All pages are © 2024 Diane Thompson