
On a spring day, early, I went out for a walk.
Upon returning home, I lingered neath the oak trees
In my front yard to savor the mild morning breeze,
To hear the music, to eavesdrop on the talk
Of my airborne friends, to watch them sport
Among the greening leaves above my head.
I strained to trace their trails of flashing red,
To see them flutter, flit, maneuver, dart, cavort.
Then one proud cardinal, as if to pose for me,
Alighted on an oak branch, red poised against the green.
Another rested on the trucks tailgate, a brilliant sheen
Of scarlet bright against the pick-ups blue. Two sights to see!
Next day at my window, a redbird pecked the pane as if to say
With one swift tap of yellow beak, "Its spring. Come out and play!"`

by: Diane F. Thompson

All pages are © 2024 Diane Thompson