
The diagnosis she has heard,
"Infertile," that precluding word:
No babe to share a rocking nap,
No child to nestle in her lap,
No cheerful coo or sunny grin,
No glimpse of first tooth coming in,
No trusting hand to hold hers tight,
No cries to wake her in the night,
No laughter from her child at play,
No little one to teach to pray
So many noes rip out the seams
Of once bright but now futile dreams.
Must she fold all her hopes away
To just exist from day to day?
God sees her heart, her doubting fears.
How can He use her helpless tears?
Is there no purpose she can find?
What does her Father have in Mind?
She lifts her broken heart to Him
And pleads for grace for shadows dim.

by: Diane F. Thompson
(August 15, 1999)

All pages are © 2024 Diane Thompson