
You talk about the loner down the street,
“The one who sits at home alone all day,
“And never ventures out past her front porch,
“And very seldom has a word to say.”

Do you know why she lives the way she does?
Has no one ever tried to find the why?
Perhaps she finds it hard to make close friends.
Have you considered that she may be shy?

It could be that she longs to hear the sound
Of ringing telephone or doorbell chime,
Or hopes each day for just a card or note,
But all she gets is slow, but quickened, time.

Why not invite her on a shopping trip,
Or call her on the phone to chat awhile,
Or send a note to show her that you care,
Or visit her and give a needed smile?

Perhaps she feels that thoughtless judging holds
Her to a standard that she cannot meet.
Be honest now; could you have played a part
In keeping her the loner down the street?

by: Diane F. Thompson
(April 6, 1999)

All pages are © 2024 Diane Thompson