He reigns Lord God Omnipotent.
When my world seems to crumble,
   He is on the Throne.
When temptation seems to overpower me,
He makes an escape route;
  He is on the Throne.
When the battle rages and my weapons seem futile,
Christ holds the blood-bought victory in His Hand;
  He is on the Throne.
When I am in the dark valley and I think I will surely fall,
He reminds me that He did not save me only to see me fail;
  He is on the Throne.
When I think Im all alone in His service,
And I cry out like Elijah that Im the only one,
He reminds me that besides Elijah
There were seven thousand who had not bowed the knee to Baal,
And He opens my eyes to see His redeemed family around me;
  He is on the Throne.
When the darkness of the world hangs thickly around me,
When sin is exalted and virtue is scorned,
When injustice is rampant and crime is legalized,
And I faint at the tribulation of the world,
He comforts me with the words,
"Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
  He is on the Throne.
He makes me to know that Satans onslaughts will not destroy
But only serve to strengthen and refine Christs true church,
For God permits only circumstances
That will work to the good of His people,
For eternally, past, present, and future,
  He is on the Throne.
  He reigns Lord God Omnipotent!
by: Diane F. Thompson

All pages are © 2024 Diane Thompson