
Once we were friends. In those past days I could anticipate
Your glad response whenever I'd perform some good.
I fear, now, I might be accused of trying to manipulate
By acts of kindness. I wonder if I'd be misunderstood.

Your cool distant courtesy knifes deeper into my heart
Than would heated angry weapons of intense debate.
While both these attitudes might show how far we've grown apart,
Which of the two more cleverly and surely masks the face of hate?

No longer do you show your heart to me. I see your face,
The face you wear to greet a slight acquaintance or a stranger.
I thought we were friends, but I cannot find that place
In each of our hearts, treasured and guarded from danger,

The place whence sprang that illusive bond of trust.
I cannot talk to you, get past that frosted smile. Still I can pray.
Though the bond seems broken, no more secure than so much dust,
His Love can heal the breach and drive the breaking hurt away

by: Diane F. Thompson

All pages are © 2024 Diane Thompson