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The Wondernells
A Wondernell Christmas

by: Diane Thompson

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Chapter Eleven

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As Sharly crept around to the rear of Cold and Dank Cove, he fought with himself. All he wanted to do was to break and run for safety from Snivvely Wivvels and the memories of cruel torture at his hands. "Courage," Sharly repeated to himself, "courage for others' sakes. Rescue Nick and Penny. I must."

Nearing the back entrance to Snivvely's home, Sharly could hear the growling barks of an angry dog and the laughter that he remembered so fearfully well, but he heard no little ones' screams. "Oh, no. They can't be... Am I too late?"

He inched his way to the rock that sealed the opening to the back room of Snivvely's lair. Summoning all his strength, Sharly pushed against the side of the rock until it rolled a bit, leaving a space wide enough for him to enter. He drew his hand-torch from his pocket, flashed it on, and entered the murky chamber.

The horrid sulfuric smell almost overcame him, but he pressed forward. "Courage!" he muttered. "Courage for others' sakes. Rescue Nick and Penny. I must."

His hand-torch lighted a door in the far wall. Beyond it, the snarling barks and the eerie laughter grew louder. Sharly put his hand on the doorknob. Then doubts seemed to overwhelm him. "What if? What if Nick and Penny are....? No, They can't be. What if Snivvely is in there with them? What if he didn't leave them in terror alone? He'll get me, too. Again." Sharly dropped his hand and stepped back, but only for a moment. "Courage," he muttered once more. "Courage for others' sakes. Rescue Nick and Penny. I must."

Again he put his hand on the doorknob. This time he turned it, slowly, and pushed open the door wide enough for his head and the hand-torch. The light showed him a snapping chained mad dog and two terrified little Wondernells.

At the first flash of light, Nick and Penny screamed. Then they saw Sharly who put his finger to his lips and beckoned to them to come to him. Nick shook his head and pointed to the barking dog.

Hoping the barks and Snivvely's own cackling would cover his voice, Sharly spoke. "Inch your way along the wall to me. Come, Nick. Move, Penny. No time to waste. That's it. Hurry, little ones."

As the little Wondernells moved, Kackie's barking became more frenzied. At this, Snivvely's laughter increased. From beyond the wall, he bellowed, "Good, dog. Scare them stupid. Huh! Too funny! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Little fools. What fun we'll soon have! Brats! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Nick and Penny at last reached Sharly. He pulled them through the door and shut it behind them. He pushed the little ones through the cove opening then climbed out beside them on the bank. Shoving his hand-torch into his pocket, he picked up Penny in one arm and Nick in the other.

"Let's go," he said. He moved as quickly as the slimy, muddy bank would allow toward the point on the other side where the Patrol Troops waited.

A cheer went up from the rescue team as Sharly handed Penny to her father. The hero shook his head, "No time to lose. Run for Rainbow Waterfalls, Sir, with Penny. I'll bring Nick." The two began running.

The Gatekeeper commanded, "Close ranks around them, Troops. Triple-time quick!"

Suddenly, a thundering bellow shook the swamp behind them. "Gone! Fool dog! you've let them escape! They're gone! Ah-h-h-h-h-h!!!!"

The rescue was complete.

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All pages ©1989 by Diane Thompson