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The Wondernells
A Wondernell Christmas

by: Diane Thompson

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Chapter Three

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Then one morning Nick and Penny awoke quite late, long after Father Luvvins left for work. They dressed quickly and ran to the kitchen where Mother Luvvins was humming carols as she stirred cake batter.

"What kind of cake is that?" asked Penny.

"It's your father's favorite, apple spice cake."

Nick cheered. "Hurrah! That for sure means it's Christmas."

"Not quite, Son, but almost," replied Mother Luvvins as she gave each child a good morning hug and kiss. "Now, eat your breakfast, then go play until I call you for lunch. This is a hustle-bustle, busy-dizzy day for me.

"Oh, yes, my little ones, you must stay inside today. Your father said Snivvely Wivvels was seen leaving town yesterday. If he's prowling these days, he may come back. We must be ever watchful!"

The children sat down to eat their morning-cakes with honey-apple syrup. They were just about finished when their mother exclaimed, "Oopsie-me! I'm needing more cinnamon. I must go out back to the spice hut to get some. Nick, Penny, when you finish breakfast, go play in the fun-room until lunchtime." And she was gone before either could reply.

"Let's go check the Star Clock," Penny said.

The two raced to the parlor, opened the door, looked inside the room, then shrieked in dismay. There was no Star Clock on the mantel or anywhere else in the room.

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All pages ©2021 by Diane Thompson